Changes to file and folder sharing

As part of the university’s ongoing cyber security review, increased security was applied to our organisational file sharing settings. Read how changes to SharePoint, OneDrive and folder sharing may impact you.

You may find that you no longer have access to some SharePoint sites, shared files or folders due to recent additional security settings. These changes are across the entire Microsoft environment, including OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams, and some sharing options have been changed or removed. This will most commonly be the case where items were shared with the entire organisation, rather than specific people or groups.

To be as safe as possible when sharing, ensure you only allow access to those people who absolutely require it. If you no longer have access to shared items which you need to use, you should reach out to the owner to re-share them with you.

In the case of SharePoint sites, you can also use the 'Request Access' button that will appear if your access has been removed (see screenshot below).

 file permission request

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