New Course and Student Academic Monitoring Policy

The new Course and Student Academic Monitoring Policy and Procedures were approved in the September Academic Board. The policy is set for implementation from 1 January 2024.

The Course and Student Monitoring Policy and Procedures, (previously the Guidelines for Course Implementation Committees) were formally approved at the September 2023 Academic Board. The policy was informed by the results of the Course Implementation Committee survey, and wide consultation with Faculties, Directorates and other relevant work units.

ACU is committed to education that prioritises the needs of our students. The institution therefore works to understand and support its students by monitoring learning and teaching activities and outcomes using multiple sources of information to assure quality and continuously improve our offerings.

Monitoring is designed to support staff with delegated responsibility for academic functions to undertake their work effectively and in accordance with policy. This policy and the Course and Student Monitoring Procedure outline who is responsible for monitoring, how monitoring is enabled and undertaken, and the threshold requirements for monitoring activity, analysis, and action.

The Course and Student Monitoring Policy is to be implemented from 1 January 2024 and outlines the monitoring activities ACU undertakes to ensure that academic quality and standards related to teaching, learning and course delivery are assured, and that the institution complies with its obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. 



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