CEI Showcase - submit your abstract

The Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) is currently accepting abstract submissions for the annual Campus Showcase of Learning and Teaching, with this year’s theme, ‘Transformative Approaches in Education: Connecting Learners, Community, and Industry’.

Why submit an abstract?
The CEI Campus Showcase is a chance for you to highlight how you and your teaching team are engaging students across all levels of study and disciplines, connecting them with resources, networks, and contexts that transform their learning.

What do I need to include?
A 250-word summary of your presentation or workshop. Visit the CEI Showcase Series webpage for examples of abstracts from 2022.

The final date to submit an abstract is 9 October 2023.

Complete this form to submit your abstract

2023 Showcase dates

  • Brisbane: Tuesday 28 November
  • Canberra: Wednesday 29 November
  • North Sydney: Friday 1 December*
  • Melbourne: Tuesday 5 December
  • Ballarat: Friday 8 December

*Strathfield and Blacktown staff are invited to participate in the North Sydney Showcase.

Register to attend

Register to receive a calendar invitation to the showcase on your campus. The showcases are excellent opportunities for you to network with colleagues from other disciplines and learn more about innovative teaching activities and ideas across your campus.

We look forward to your submissions and your participation in the showcase series. If you have any questions, please contact CEI@acu.edu.au.

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