Commencement Mass

Attend a Semester 1 Commencement Mass to celebrate the start of the academic year. Join us for the blessing and commissioning of the leaders of the Student Associations. 

In the Catholic tradition, liturgically marking an event is coming together as the local Church and wider community to formally give thanks to God and ask his blessing. In this instance, we give thanks for God’s providence in our whole ACU community send seek His grace and wisdom for the year ahead. 

An especially significant event in the life of the university, the Commencement Mass is also where the leaders of the Student Associations of each campus will be publicly acknowledged as the 2024 elected leaders and formally commissioned to undertake their roles while they publicly commit to:

  • accept the responsibilities and duties of their role
  • to further the mission and ethos of ACU
  • to facilitate and contribute positively toward the student experience
  • to advocate for and represent ACU students, by assisting in the communication of issues raised.

In the presence of the student body, university community and the Church, this declaration is made as a commitment to their ministry of leadership on their campus. The presence of staff and students at the mass significantly adds to the occasion and showcases the encouragement and support of our university community to our newly elected student leaders.

You are warmly invited to attend the Commencement Mass at your local campus chapel:

  • Melbourne - Tuesday 27 February, 12pm
  • Blacktown - Tuesday 5 March, 12pm
  • North Sydney - Thursday 7 March, 12pm
  • Canberra - Wednesday 6 March,12pm
  • Strathfield - Wednesday 6 March, 12pm
  • Brisbane - Wednesday 6 March, 12.15pm
  • Ballarat - Tuesday 13 March, 12pm

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