Academic focus zones for 2024

The Academic Timeline is designed to improve co-operation and information sharing across the university to enable the delivery of high-quality student learning experiences. The Academic Timeline Dashboard presents an overview of university tasks, processes and interactions between directorates and faculties, to increase collaboration, promote communication and efficiencies.

  • Academic staff should check the dashboard to understand what specific requests and interactions can be expected from ACU directorates throughout the year.
  • Directorate staff should consult the dashboard prior to contacting academic staff to ensure there is adequate time available to dedicate to the request.

Access the Academic Timeline Dashboard

What is a focus zone?

Focus zones are peak periods within a teaching academic's annual calendar requiring their complete attention and time to focus on preparing and delivering learning and teaching activities and supporting the student experience. Requests outside of interactions published in the Academic Timeline should be avoided and prioritised for a different time.

Download and add the focus zones to your Outlook calendar to serve as a reminder.

For more information, please visit Academic Timeline or contact

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