Compulsory student modules

All Semester 1 students must complete their relevant compulsory modules before 11.59pm 25 June, to receive their results on time. This is in accordance with ACU's Academic Regulations and represents ACU's ongoing commitment to academic integrity and fostering a safe community.

Students are enrolled in the modules they are required to complete, which appear on the Canvas dashboard. Upon completion, students earn shareable Canvas badges. Students who have previously completed any module in LEO or ACU Online Canvas have been awarded a completion badge and do not need to complete the module again.

From 26 June 2024, result holds will be placed on students who have not completed all outstanding modules. Students who cannot view their results due to a hold can be directed to ‘Why can’t I see my results?’ for more information in the first instance. Please note, result holds can take up to three business days to be lifted from a student’s record.

Should students contact you with questions about the modules, we encourage you to refer them to these AskACU knowledge articles:

If you have questions or a student requires further assistance regarding any module, please contact

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