Changes to the 2025 Academic Regulations

Changes to the Academic Regulations were approved by Academic Board and take effect in 2025.

Detailed briefing notes on the changes to the 2025 Academic Regulations were sent to stakeholders by email. Any interested staff who have not received them and would like to receive more detailed information on the changes listed below should contact:

The substantive amendments that were made include amendments throughout the regulations in line with current processes and changes to the course progression process based on sector benchmarking as set out in Section 11 of the Academic Regulations as follows:

'At risk' process
Amendments to the ‘at risk’ process as part of academic progression changes for students. These changes include revision to the ‘at risk’ process for students who fail 50 per cent of enrolled units in two consecutive review periods.

Unsatisfactory academic progress
Amendments to the process for determining unsatisfactory progress.

  1. For failure of 50 per cent of enrolled units in two consecutive progression review periods rather than 50 per cent of any two progression review periods.
  2. For failure of 50 per cent of enrolled units in any three progression review periods rather than 50 per cent of two progression review periods.
  3. For failure where the student has failed the same unit or its equivalent on three occasions rather than two.

Termination of enrolment for unsatisfactory academic progress
Amendments to the process for terminating a student based on unsatisfactory academic progress to the following:

  1. Failing 50 per cent or more of enrolled units or credit points in three consecutive progression review periods rather than any three progression review periods.
  2. Failing any four progression review periods rather than any three progression review periods.
  3. Failing the same unit or its equivalent on a fourth or subsequent occasion rather than on a third occasion.

Any questions?
Please refer questions to the Policy Team in the Office of the Academic Registrar:

Gerard Goodwin Moore, National Manager, Student Policy & Appeals
Phone 02 9739 2250

Catherine McKiver, Policy and Projects Officer
Phone 02 9465 9097

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