About the Session

This program builds on the time-tested secrets of “The New One Minute Manager” and introduces the conversations and skills all managers need to achieve success quickly and build positive relationships with their teams. Becoming a manager is one of the most challenging career transitions. Developing your conversation skills to become a strength is core to any manager's success. Time is a finite resource and as a manager, it can be hard to come by. Throughout this workshop you will be able to utilise proven and practical conversation skills with team members, peers and leading upwards in less than 3 minutes.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Adopt a manager's mindset, becoming an focused leader;
  • Develop core conversation skills;
  • Learn the neuroscience of how we decipher language to reduce feelings of blame and judgement;
  • Build positive team dynamics and relationships with your team;
  • Utilise best practice management approaches to how you manage your team.

Who is this session for?


CDF Competencies

  • Collaborate Effectively
  • Communicate with Impact
  • Coach and Develop
  • Make Informed Decisions


External - Blanchard International


22 September 2023


9am to 4pm

Delivery Mode

Virtual Webinar

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Course code: 11289
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