Navigating your new Progress Plan

Your feedback through myVoice told us that building your career is important, so we’re taking practical steps to enhance your experience of the performance review and planning process. The new Progress Plan will introduce some exciting new Staff Connect features and these features will be considered for inclusion in other Staff Connect forms and workflows.

The Progress Plan is an important mechanism for you to own, drive and progress your development and career while employed by ACU. It’s designed to encourage a continuous feedback and development discussion between you and your supervisor.

Navigating the Staff Connect Progress Plan

When you access your Progress Plan in Staff Connect, you will notice four tabs on the top and bottom of the page for easy navigation between each page: My Role, My Development, My Focus and My Progress Notes.

  • My Role identifies the specifics of your role. In reviewing this information with your supervisor, you can: see how your role contributes to the university’s outcomes, discuss, clarify and operationalise the expectations outlined in your Position Description, and identify and discuss key position attributes that are essential to your role.
  • My Development provides a resource with which you and your supervisor can discuss your progress in relation to the Capability Development Framework (CDF) expectations and behaviours, the 10 competencies that are the essential development blocks of all university positions, and the Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence (APME) Framework (academic staff only).
  • My Focus is an area where you and your supervisor can outline and discuss your career and development goals and/or activities, both within your current role and for your potential career growth within ACU.

  • My Progress Notes provides a record for comments, updates, noted achievements, or to highlight areas for further opportunity and discussion with your supervisor, across any aspect of your role and career at ACU.

Throughout the Progress Plan, you will notice new information and help bubbles giving you the option to click and view further information, examples, instructions and links relating to a particular section or table.

Stay informed

Further information regarding changes to performance review and planning, specifically information regarding transition to the Progress Plan in Staff Connect, training and roll-out will be shared over the coming weeks.

The best way to keep informed is by joining the Workplace groups Staff Connect Updates and Human Resources Updates.

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