Update on changes to recruitment

The ACU-wide change to the recruitment process that moves from PageUp to Staff Connect is to occur in early 2021.

Improvements continue to be made to current processes and the comprehensive use of Staff Connect since our last update on changes to the recruitment system.

The Position Review process in Staff Connect has been refined following feedback from the pilot. Participants in the pilot recently attended the feedback session and were advised on the enhancements made to the Position Review process.

How will the recruitment process be different?

Your feedback through myVoice told us that improving processes to enhance the staff experience is important, so we are taking practical steps to improve and simplify the recruitment process.

These key changes include:

  • PageUp recruitment will be replaced with functionality in Staff Connect. Any recruitment that is currently completed through PageUp will be transitioned to Staff Connect.
  • The entire end-to-end recruitment process will be online with a replacement of many paper-based processes and forms. This will include Position Classification, Advertising Approval, and Request for an Internal Secondment, Placement and Transfer.
  • The Staff Connect Recruitment module will be directly linked to the new Position Review and the Position Review form will allow Position Descriptions to be updated or classified. The Position Description will be available online and link directly to a position. This information will then pre-populate into any future recruitment for the position.
  • Some of the data in forms will pre-populate allowing for easy access to information and saving time. This can include position details, current occupant details, Capability Development Framework (CDF) Level and selection criteria specific to the role.
  • Data gathered throughout all stages of the recruitment process will be stored and reused or repurposed where appropriate, reducing duplication of effort. For example, data gathered during the request to fill process will be available in approval and onboarding steps.
  • Recruitment through Staff Connect can host internal and external recruitment, expressions of interest and talent pools, and can complete online reference checks.
  • A more transparent recruitment process with the hiring manager/chair able to track progression of the process.
  • A more flexible approval workflow process for hiring managers to suit their circumstances, with the minimum university delegations met.
When will the change occur?

A university-wide rollout of the Staff Connect recruitment process is planned for early 2021. There will be a period of transition from PageUp to Staff Connect.

The upcoming changes to recruitment will be supported by ongoing updates, Knowledgebase Articles and FAQs in Service Central, updated policies and procedures, and information sessions for hiring managers/chair and panel members will be conducted.

Further information regarding transition and rollout will be shared over the coming weeks.

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