Internal Appointments process now in Staff Connect

The improved Internal Appointment process is now accessible from the ‘Request to Fill’ form in Staff Connect. This Internal Appointment form can be used for direct internal appointments, internal secondments, transfers, and placements (normally following change).

PageUp will still be used for all recruitment processes that involve the position being advertised, however, it is no longer used for direct internal appointments.

Accessing the Internal Appointments form
  1. Go to Staff Connect > Dashboard > My Forms
  2. Click the ‘+Add’ button to create a new form
  3. In the FOLDER FILTER select ‘Recruitment and Selection (RECSEL)’
  4. In the FORM field select ‘Request to Fill (RECR.1)’
  5. Click ‘Next’ to raise the form
  6. On the first page of the Request to Fill select ‘Internal Appointment’ as the Form Type
  7. Follow the instructions to complete the form.

For instructions on how to complete the Internal Appointment in Staff Connect, refer to the Staff Connect Internal Appointment User Guide on the Staff Connect support page.

Drop-in sessions

Drop-in sessions will be held several times each week during August and September via MS Teams for anyone to attend and ask any questions regarding this new process.

View the Internal Appointment drop-in session timetable

Further support

You’ll be able to access supporting material such as navigational videos on the Staff Connect support page shortly. FAQs are also accessible in Service Central and you can make a request for further help through Service Central or by calling (07) 3623 7272. 

Stay informed  

The best way to keep informed is by joining the Staff Connect Updates and Human Resources Updates Workplace groups.


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