Get ready for myVoice

The myVoice staff engagement survey opens on 3 May, giving you the opportunity to share your anonymous feedback on what it’s like to work at ACU.

ACU has held the myVoice survey every few years since 2009. The survey results provide valuable insights into the employment experience at ACU and informs strategies and actions. See some examples of how previous myVoice survey results have led to changes across ACU.

myVoice and Voice Project

myVoice is administered by Voice Project, an independent research and consulting company that specialises in survey methodology and results analysis and has more than 17 years of experience administering staff surveys across more than 3,000 organisations.

myVoice helps us to:

  • Assess: The myVoice results allow us to see how we are tracking against organisational goals such as university performance indicators and targets within our strategic plan.
  • Benchmark: The results provide us with an update on levels of staff engagement and other indicators of performance, which we can compare across the higher education sector and broader industry.
  • Consult: the myVoice survey gives all staff an opportunity to share their open and honest feedback confidentially.
Your responses are confidential

myVoice provides a confidential way for you to share your views about working at ACU, as Voice Project only returns de-identified, aggregated data to ACU. To protect the confidentiality of participants, results will not be analysed where there are fewer than five responses in a group

Have your say

Your views are important, so don’t miss this opportunity to have your say.

The myVoice survey will be held from 3 May to 17 May and will be open to all continuing, fixed-term, casual and sessional staff. You will receive an email from Voice Project on 3 May inviting you to take part in the survey.

The university-wide myVoice results will be shared with staff through campus-based presentations commencing from August.

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