Fathers can take parental leave too

Are you becoming a father soon? Did you know you can access leave and flexible work arrangements during this important milestone?

Becoming a father for the first time was tremendously exciting, for ACU Operations Analyst Timothy Ly. It also carried a lot of unknowns for Timothy and his partner Rochelle as they entered this new chapter in their lives.

“When I found out I was going to become a dad, I discovered ACU provided parental leave,” Timothy said.
Timothy took six weeks of leave when baby Kaiden was born to support his family – including settling into some sleepless nights at home.

“Raising our first child together during this period gave me a good head start on the expectations of our new life as a family of three and to provide that confidence to my wife, that I’m going to be supportive,” Timothy said.

Two years on, Timothy continues to balance parenting and work through an approved flexible work arrangement, with the support of his supervisor and team. Timothy currently works three days a week on campus, supported by adjusted start and finish times to assist with balancing the logistics of commuting and daycare drop off and pickup times on these days.

Timothy has also benefitted from ACU’s approach to flexible and remote working and works two days a week from home. This helps to reduce lengthy travel times, and allows some personal time to hit the local gym to support his own health and well-being before logging on for the day.

Like all parents, there are moments when this balance is challenging.

“It’s tough at times, particularly when the family has been unwell,” Timothy said.

“It has been fantastic to have the support, understanding and flexibility of my managers and broader team.”

Accessing carer’s leave and other leave types can help ACU parents to manage family illness and other unplanned events as they arise.

For more information about the support and options available to working parents, explore ACU’s Expectant and New Parent’s Guide: Stage 3 – Return to work following leave.


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We are on a mission to shine a light on the incredible support we offer each other at ACU to provide an inclusive and supportive working environment. Are you a working parent, a grandparent, looking after elderly or sick parents, or navigating a child or family member with diverse needs? If you have a story to share about how you have been supported, please email the Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) team at GEDI@acu.edu.au

Support for working parents

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