myVoice survey now open

All staff are invited to take part in the myVoice staff engagement survey.

MyVoice is a genuine opportunity to confidentially voice your opinions and concerns and share your ideas for making ACU a great place to work.

About the survey

ACU has held the myVoice survey every few years since 2009. The survey results provide insight into the employee experience at ACU and inform organisational priority setting. See how the results from previous myVoice surveys have informed improvements across ACU.

myVoice is administered by Voice Project, an independent research and consulting company that specialises in survey methodology and results analysis and has more than 17 years of experience administering staff surveys across more than 3,000 organisations.

myVoice and confidentiality

myVoice provides a confidential way for you to share your views about working at ACU, as Voice Project only returns de-identified, aggregated data to ACU. To protect the confidentiality of participants, results will not be analysed where there are fewer than five responses in a group.

Voice Project consultants are bound by the code of conduct and ethical guidelines of the Australian Psychological Society, and the Psychology Board of Australia.

Who can participate

All continuing, fixed-term, sessional and casual staff are invited to participate. Two separate surveys are held – one for the broader workforce and one that is tailored to casual and sessional staff.

How to participate

You would have received an invitation from Voice Project on 3 May with a link to the survey. Click on the link to complete the survey before 17 May.

The university-wide myVoice results will be shared with staff through campus-based presentations commencing from August.

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